
A New Star Appeared

A New Star Appeared is a collection of nine original songs that depict the scenes around the birth of Jesus Christ. The first song is a lyrical narrative of the prophesied Messiah, followed by songs depicting the people and circumstances involved in the nativity. The idea of producing a Christmas album centered around the nativity has been in the back of my mind for many years. I finally decided to produce the album in 2020. I wrote and recorded the album in nine weeks between September 7 and October 30, 2020.

He Paid the Price
  1. 1. He Paid the Price
  2. 2. Mary
  3. 3. Joseph Did You Know
  4. 4. Sing Hallelujah
  5. 5. A New Star Appeared
  6. 6. Hush Little Baby
  7. 7. It Was a Calm Clear Night
  8. 8. We Followed His Star
  9. 9. Unto You is Born This Day