
Join My Community

Join me on the inside

Become a member of my community and I’ll immediately send you a link to listen to or download:

  • The Monkey’s Paw audiobook
  • Four of my best songs from my New Age/Pop albums
  • Two songs from upcoming children’s music projects

As member of my community, you’ll get:

  • Behind the scenes look at my music and creative world and the projects I’m working on.
  • An exclusive free download of my very first solo music album and the story behind why it was never released.
  • Occasionally I may ask your opinion about the projects I am working on.
  • You can unsubscribe anytime

I would love to have you be part of my community and I promise not to bombard you with a bunch of emails. I’ll send you an occasional email to let you know what I’m working on and as part of my private community I will want to bounce things off you and get your opinion. Just fill out the form below and check your email for the free starter pack mentioned above:

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